Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

World Debate Forum Updates : 15 Presentations and Two Weeks Left to Register!‏


We are happy to announce that we have 15 confirmed presentations at this point. Presenters at WDF 2012 will share debate ideas from Germany, Malaysia, Estonia, China, Philippines, Mindanao, Iraq, Francophone Africa (with a focus on Cameroon), South East Asia, Burma, South Korea and the USA.

Presenters will be evaluating the success of at least 3 institutional debate programs, analyzing the impact of debate in 2 less-than-peaceful areas, 2 cases of debate & political progress, looking at debate & technology and much much more. There will also be open forums on the topic areas and space for you to contribute during the WDF. More information about the presentations are available on our website! http://worlddebateforum.org/node/18

Two weeks remain before registration closes and only 30 open spaces remain. For those of you who register after the 10th of November, we cannot guarantee the same registration fee, as the negotiated rate with the hotel and other costs may increase - so register now at www.worlddebateforum.org to get 3 nights hotel accommodation, 6 full meals and a ton of debate goodness for only 75USD a person!


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