Rabu, 28 September 2011

DLSU Worlds: Application for Judging Subsidies Open Again!

Dear World Debating Community,
The adjudication team have recently been able to free up some funds to subsidise independent adjudicators, and some who were offered places have, regrettably, had to decline due to work/other commitments. In view of this, we have decided to re-open applications for a period of one week in case anybody missed the opportunity to apply last time.
Please be aware that funding remains limited, so applicants are still encouraged to be honest in their appraisal of the funding they would need. Applicants asking for small amounts of subsidy will be considerably more likely to be successful.
All applicants who have already applied to us will be considered alongside any new applicants.
If you would like to apply, please email the application form (which can be found at www.dlsuworlds.com in a post dated the 13th of July, or is available on application to sam.block@dlsuworlds.com) saved as '[Surname], [Firstname] Application' to sam.block@dlsuworlds.com by 5.00 p.m. GMT on Wednesday the 5th of October. No other members of the adjudication team should be copied in, as this would disrupt the anonymisation of applications before they are sent for evaluation. For the same reason, please direct all queries to this address, including those relating to any difficulties with the timescales in question, about which we are keen to hear.
Many thanks,
The Adjudication Team

Selasa, 27 September 2011

Monash AWDC 2011‏ Results

A big congratulations is in order for UQ 1′s Kristen Price and Emily Chalk for winning the Grand Final!

A video of their exploits is online now! Watch it here.

The full Speaker Rankings and Team Standings are now available, and you can see the top speakers from the tournament below. Please note that the tab does not account for ironmanning or replacement swing debaters, and they have simply been incorporated into the main speaker score.

Opening Gov USU 2
Opening Opp Monash 6
Closing Gov USU 1
Closing Opp UQ 1

Semi Finals
Semi 1 USU 1 USU 2 Monash 3 Melbourne 2
Semi 2 UQ 1 Monash 6 USU 5 USU 4

Top Speakers
Ninth – Sasha Lytas, Brontë Lambourne and Rebecca Barrett
Eighth – Alex Downie
Seventh – Emily Chalk
Sixth – Gemma Buckley
Fifth – Colette Mintz and Kristin Price
Third – Kelly Butler and Nina Ubaldi
First – Joanna Connolly 

Grand Final: This house believes that the feminist movement should adopt the word slut.
Semi Final: This house would establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate sexual abuse within the Catholic Church
Rd 6: This house would refuse to uphold confidential out-of-court settlements
Rd 5: That this house would oust the Karzai administration
Rd 4: This house supports democratic education.
Rd 3: This House would redistribute, aggressively and without compensation, all land taken from black South Africans during apartheid.
Rd 2: This house believes that, in times if economic crisis, economic bodies should withhold information that may damage market confidence.
Rd 1: That this House would never prosecute child soldiers for crimes committed during war.

Registration Underway for the 2011-12 International Public Policy Forum

Is your debate team looking for a new challenge? Registration is currently underway for the 2011-12 Bickel & Brewer/New York University International Public Policy Forum (IPPF).
The IPPF is the only contest that gives students across the globe the opportunity to engage in written and oral debates on issues of public policy -- for free. Students compete for cash prizes and the chance to be one of eight teams invited on an all-expense-paid trip to the IPPF Finals in New York City! In New York, the IPPF World Champion is awarded a $10,000 (USD) grand prize!
To participate, your team can register by clicking this link:
The deadline to register is October 12. Your team should then construct a 2,800 word qualifying round essay on the IPPF topic, "Resolved: Human missions should be a significant focus of space exploration." Qualifying round essays can be written in the affirmative or the negative, but must be submitted to ippf@bickelbrewer.com by October 26, 2011. 
The Top 32 teams earn cash awards and advance into a single-elimination, written debate contest -- volleying essays back and forth via e-mail until only eight teams are left standing. Those eight teams compete in oral debates in New York City in front of an elite panel of judges that includes NYU President John Sexton and Bickel & Brewer Partner William A. Brewer III.
To learn more, visit www.bickelbrewer.com/ippf today! This could be the year your team is named the IPPF World Champion!

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Selasa, 20 September 2011

WUPID Welcomes The Top 30 Debating Universities To Malaysia This Coming December

From http://thedebatingnews.com

I am delighted to warmly welcome your participation at the 5th World Universities Peace Invitational Debate (WUPID) 2011 at Putrajaya, Malaysia this coming December.
This statement was made as part of an opening address given by WUPID's Chief Adjudicator, Dr. Kamalan Jeevaratnam on Tuesday, September 13, 2011, at the WUPID 2011 Press Conference organized at the official hotel, Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside Hotel and Resort.

Please register now and book your spot at WUPID 2011!

What is WUPID?
Widely considered to be an authoritative event for top university debaters from across the globe, the 5th World Universities Peace Invitational Debate (WUPID) 2011 is being held from December 17 - 21, 2011 at Putrajaya, Malaysia.

There is no registration fee for the top 30 debating universities. Your entire accommodation at Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside, meals and social passes will be fully sponsored. What the teams are required to do, is simply register and get themselves to the official hotel.

More details are available on the official website at: http://wupidmania.thedebatingnews.com

Who are the Top 30 Debating Universities?

See the list here: http://thedebatingnews.com/wupid/7-wupid/4
The full university ranking is available here: http://worlddebating.blogspot.com/2011/01/world-debating-rankings-2011.html

Who are the members of the Adjudication Core?
  • Dr. Kamalan Jeevaratnam (Chief Adjudicator)
  • Lucinda David
  • Colm Flynn
  • Ivan Evetovics
  • Faisal Moideen
  • Adiba Shareen
  • Tim Sonnreich (to be confirmed)
To ensure that the motions are current and relevant, they will be assisted by a newly elected WUPID Peace Ambassador, Dato’ Mukhriz Mahathir, who is the Honorary Advisor for the Perdana Global Peace Foundation and the Deputy Minister for International Trade and Industry.

What is the format?
British Parliamentary Style. Each eligible university can only send a maximum of 2 teams and 1 adjudicator.

What if you just want to observe or become an independent adjudicator?
There is no fee imposed if you’re coming on your own to watch the debates. But if you want to experience the full extent of WUPID, as an observer or an independent adjudicator, we have prepared package. There are discounts for subscribers of The Debating News and former WUPID debaters and adjudicators.

See the link here for more details: http://thedebatingnews.com/observers-and-independent-adjudicators

Minggu, 18 September 2011

2nd World Debate Forum January 2012‏

Greetings friends,
I'm happy to announce that we will be organizing the 2nd World Debate Forum (WDF) this year, from the 4th to 7th January 2012 at Ateneo de Manila University (immediately after Manila Worlds). I'd like to invite those of you coming for Worlds to extend your stay and those of you who are not coming to Worlds, to come for the World Debate Forum.

What is the WDF?

Our plan is to bring together different groups of debate enthusiasts, people who love this activity but from different perspectives. To some of us, debate is first a competition, a way to hone our persuasive skills, develop our intellect, expand our horizons. To others is an amazing educational tool, an activity that challenges students, develops their perspectives and gives them ownership over knowledge. Others believe debate is most importantly a tool of advocacy, a way to develop open societies, to empower people's voices, to help increase understanding and tolerance. 

Debate is all three. By working together and not past each other, we can make the entire community stronger and increase the impact of debate.

The 1st WDF forum attracted almost 40 people from 16 countries. Our target this year is to have 100 attendees. You can learn more about last year's forum by downloading the report from the front page of our website.

Forum Format

The format is simple and modeled after TED Talks. Each topic area (Competitive Debate, Debate Education and Debate Advocacy) will be allocated 4 20 minute presentation slots. At the end of these 4 slots, there will be an hour long open forum on the topic area, with a moderator and these four presenters. This - 4 presentation and 1 open forum - is one session.

There will be 4 sessions

5th January
- Morning Session : Competitive Debate
- Afternoon Session : Debate Education
- Evening : Coffee & Networking

6th January
- Morning Session : Debate Advocacy
- Afternoon Session : Open Forum
- Evening : Coffee & Networking

Visit here for a full schedule (http://worlddebateforum.org/schedule) and to find out more about presenting at the forum (http://worlddebateforum.org/share)

Forum Details

Check in the evening of the 4th and checkout 7th morning. The 75 USD reg fee will give you 3 nights accommodation, breakfast, lunch and snacks. We will be staying at Great Eastern Hotel (http://www.greateasternhotelmanila.com/) and the forum itself will be held on the Ateneo de Manila campus. (For more, visit http://worlddebateforum.org/registration)

Registration for Presenters : 15th September to 20th October 2011
Registration for Participants : 15th September to 10th November 2011

The forum is hosted by Ateneo de Manila University and organized by the Ateneo Debate Society in cooperation with IDEA. (For more, visit http://worlddebateforum.org/organizers)

Why should you care?

We don't debate enough about debate. Sure, specific debates are discussed and results disputed until the tab runs dry, but we don't debate enough about the value of our activity and its impact. 

Often there just isn't enough time at debate tournaments and frankly not everyone is interested (which is absolutely fine). Meeting old friends and making new ones take priority over the different forums already being squeezed into Worlds, and that's what international tournaments are about.

But as we speak, debate programs are taking root in Afghanistan, Zimbabwe, Azerbaijan, Kyrgystan, Rwanda, Venenzuela and many other places. Debate is being introduced as a subject in highschools in Romania, a university in Korea makes it compulsory for all freshmen to learn debate and an NGO in Australia is teaching refugees debate skills.

More people are doing debate this year in more places in more ways in more languages than they were last year, and even more will do so next year. Contribute to this growth of debate. Help shape it and learn from it. 

Debates don't make a difference, debaters do ;)

For more information, visit www.worlddebateforum.org or email info@worlddebateforum.org . Please spread the word.


Rabu, 14 September 2011

LUMS IV 2011‏

The Debating and Recitation Society at LUMS is pleased to open registrations for the 6th LUMS Inter-Varsity Debates, 2011 to be held from the 7th to the 10th of October, 2011. The LUMS IV has successfully established itself over the years as the biggest and most competitive British Parliamentary tournament in both Pakistan and the Sub Continent.

For further details please contact us at drums@lums.edu.pk or join the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=247160895322010.

$20 Million in OSF grants for Debate

Too often, even in the world’s more open societies, when conflicts arise, quarreling and name-calling displace vibrant, critical debate. The recent fight in the United States over the raising of the debt ceiling is an obvious case in point. Though Congress and the president did eventually reach an uneasy, eleventh-hour compromise, for weeks elected officials and political pundits drowned out what should have been a spirited but reasonable exchange of ideas on how to best address an issue of pressing public concern.

Public posturing to manipulate public opinion in advance of next year’s elections made it difficult, if not impossible, for citizens of any age to gather the unbiased information they needed to come to an evidence-based conclusion on what policy to support. For young voters, who turned out in record numbers for the 2008 elections, the lack of debate on critical issues in an increasingly partisan sphere must make for a particularly dispiriting public spectacle.

The failure of U.S. policy makers to engage in open-minded debate on issues like debt relief, climate change, terrorism, drug policy reform, and migration affects us all. Global issues require global debates.

Since societies function best when policy issues are examined from a range of different perspectives, the Open Society Youth Initiative is launching a new $20-million Global Debates Fund to strengthen debate programs at colleges and universities around the world. Our goal is to help engage students in the policy issues that will have a lasting impact on their future.

There is no better place for young people to learn to engage in these global debates than in college and university classrooms. Institutions of higher learning should provide students with the technical or vocational skills necessary for the marketplace, but they must also cultivate a student’s recognition of thoughtful civic engagement and encourage them to consider global issues from a perspective other than their own. And it should not just be at the world’s most elite universities where students are offered the opportunity to engage in civic and civil debate. A commitment to promoting public discourse should be woven through the fabric of all educational institutions to help ensure that young people the world over have the ability to use the force of argument and not just the argument of force to express themselves.

The new fund will provide up to three years of support to colleges, universities, and other educational institutions to promote and integrate debate across disciplines. Grants are available for institutions that have either very small debate programs or none at all. Grants are also availablefor institutions seeking to promote public debates within the broader communities that they serve.

I encourage you to learn more, spread the word, and apply.


Noel Selegzi

Kamis, 08 September 2011

WUDC Berlin DCA Application

From Doug and Sharmila:
To the Global Debating Community,
Greetings from WUDC Berlin 2013!
Preparations for the 2013 World Championships are moving apace, as many of our hotel contracts, social venues, and funding arrangements are being finalised.
The next step in our preparations is the recruitment of Deputy Chief Adjudicators to serve alongside us in training judges, setting motions, and generally managing the adjudication of the tournament.
In brief, we’re looking to build the strongest possible team for Berlin Worlds; we’re looking for candidates who can provide the experiences, skills, and perspectives that we can’t.
As promised during our campaign, at least one Deputy Chief Adjudicator will be a non-native English speaker, eligible for either the ESL or EFL break, according to current WUDC rules.
We’re looking for candidates with the following abilities.
1)     Organisational Ability: Is the candidate a capable administrator and organiser?  Do they work well as part of team?  When part of adjudication teams, do they rank, promote, and break judges on the basis of merit?
2)     Skill as an Adjudicator: Is this person a top adjudicator, scrupulous in reaching the correct decision and willing to invest time in quality feedback?
3)     Skill as a Motion-Setter: Does the candidate set motions that are fair and fun to debate? 
Candidates should complete the attached application in full.
Applicants should send each application to BOTH: s.parmanand@wudcberlin.com and d.cochran@wudcberlin.com, and applications must be received by the end of 30th September 2011 (CEST) in order to be considered.
We reserve the right to extend the time window for the application process, but we do not intend or expect to do so.
Immediately thereafter, we will publish a full list of all applicants and solicit feedback from the global debating community as to their suitability to serve as DCAs.
Feedback should be sent to BOTH s.parmanand@wudcberlin.com and d.cochran@wudcberlin.com and should speak to the candidates’ suitability according to the criteria we have outlined earlier.
Very Best of Luck!
-Sharms and Doug

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Stellenbosch University Union for Critical Thinking Scholarship

To whom it may concern.

We are calling for applications for the Stellenbosch University Union for Critical Thinking Scholarship. We are looking for someone with experience in international debating and Union management who would be able to act as advisor and help in the management of the new Union for Critical Thinking at our university. 

If there are any questions regarding the scholarship you can contact either myself or Wynand Spruyt (spruyt@sun.ac.za). The closing date for applications is the 15th of October 2011.

We would appreciate it if you could help forward this application to anyone that you would regard as both suitable and interested. 

Kind regards,

Wiaan Visser

Stellenbosch University Union for Critical Thinking


NOVEMBER 19-27 2011

Main Break Team at WUDC 2011
Top Two ESL Speakers WUDC 2011
ESL Finalist Team WUDC 2011
2 Teams EFL Finals WUDC 2011
Top EFL Speaker WUDC 2011
3 Teams in EFL Semifinals WUDC 2011
Northeast USA University Champions 2011
EUDC ESL Champions 2010
5 EUDC Quarterfinal Teams 2010
WUDC Top EFL Speaker 2010
WUDC Top ESL Speaker 2010
2 OF WUDC EFL Top Ten Speakers 2010
4 OF WUDC ESL Top Ten Speakers 2010

5 OF WUDC ESL Quarterfinal Teams 2010
USU Semifinalist 2010
5 USU Main Break Teams 2010


19-27 November - Full program for students – instruction, IDAS 2011 tournament. Full program for trainers, teachers, coaches, club leaders, judges at any level in any debate format.
Or just come to
25-27 November IDAS 2011 tournament in Ljubljana at the
 Faculty of Administration-University of Ljubljana.

Arrive in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia November 19 2011, dinner at 6 PM, program at 7 PM
 (easy buses from Ljubljana)
Instruction in Hotel Spik November 20-24 2011
Transfer to Ljubljana morning 25 November 2011
IDAS tournament in Ljubljana afternoon 25-27 November 2011, ending at 3 PM

APPLICATION FORMS DUE NOVEMBER 15 2011, FOR THE TOTAL PROGRAM http://debate.uvm.edu/idasall.doc or TOURNAMENT ONLY http://debate.uvm.edu/idastourn.doc.


Organized by: 
ZIP – Za in proti (ZIP), Pro et Contra, Institute for the Culture of Dialogue, Slovenia, 
WDI – World Debate Institute, University of Vermont, and
Debate Clubs, University of Ljubljana
All of these people have given us permission to advertise them as faculty.

Zheng Bo, Director of Debate Peking University, China, WUDC breaking judge.
Maja Cimerman, Ljubljana University, Slovenia: EUDC ESL Champion, WUDC ESL 2nd Speaker 2010 & 2011, ESL WUDC Finalist 2011, IDAS graduate.
Filip Dobranic, Ljubljana University, Slovenia: EUDC ESL Champion, WUDC EFL Top Speaker, WUDC ESL Top Speaker WUDC ESL Finalist 2011. IDAS graduate.
Gavin lllsley, Oxford, Stylus Communication.
Will Jones, Oxford, WUDC World Champion.
Rhydian Morgan, UK: Chief Adjudicator and Finals judge at numerous tournaments, WUDC breaking judge, Welsh Debating Federation, World Debate Institute faculty 2008-09.
Manos Moschopoulos, Director of Debates IDEA Southeast Europe, Greece: WUDC Best ESL Speaker 2010, EUDC ESL Finalist 2010, CA Sciences-Po IV, Vienna Open, Athens Open, DCA UCU and Belgrade Open; Trainer IDEA Youth Forum 2010 & 2011, Serbia Debate Camp 2010.
Maja Nenadovic, Croatia: Founder of several debating societies across Europe, currently busy with introducing debate to countries in the Western Balkans region, and with finishing her PhD in political science at the University of Amsterdam.
Mary Nugent, University of Vermont, USA: Director of Debating Cambridge Union Society UK, judged WUDC Grand Final.
Thepparith Senamngern, Thailand: Assumption University, WUDC breaking judge, convener Bangkok WUDC & Thailand AUDC.
Alfred Snider, USA: Professor at University of Vermont, Director World Debate Institute, USA Coach of the Year, six recent debate textbooks, WUDC breaking judge, Convener 2009 & 2011 US Universities Debating Championship tournament, founder of IDAS.
Bojana Skrt, Slovenia: Director ZIP, three times WSDC EFL World Champion coach, 2010 ESL WSDC Champion coach, founder of IDAS.
Anne Valkering, Netherlands: WUDC ESL champion 2008; DCA Dutch Nationals 2009,Convener EUDC 2010, CA Bonaparte Debate Tournament 2007, DCA Amsterdam Open 2008 and 2009, CA Sciences Po IV 2009.
Milan Vignjevic, Serbia, Convener, Belgrade Euros 2012, IDAS graduate.


DEBATER TRAINING: Each Instruction day features a main lecture, exercise and drill sessions, and two complete critiqued practice debates. Many elective classes offered daily. Many training/coaching preparation sessions offered. Judge evaluation and training offered. Advanced, basic and beginner tracks available. The best way to get ready for WUDC in Manila.

The International Debate Academy Slovenia will be offering a special track for trainers, coaches and those interested in learning about how to train debaters and create debate organizations such as clubs, academic programs and leagues. The program will call upon the extensive experience of the faculty to provide specialized training, including: Basic debate training steps: observation, advice from experienced trainers and curriculum guides; Judging: instruction, shadow judging, real judging experience; Tournaments: hosting, administering, including tabulation software; Advanced debate training: observation, advice from experienced trainers, curriculum guides; Organizing: recruiting debaters, implementing training, scheduling meetings, publicity. Attendees will have a sample judging session every morning as well as a special training session in the afternoon. All events at the program will also be open to attendees.  Special needs and requests specific to individuals can be met if given advance notice.

TOURNAMENT: Sponsored by IDAS, ZIP and hosted by Faculty of Administration University of Ljubljana. Six preliminary rounds and quarterfinals in the WUDC format. No team cap as of now. Convener is Bojana Skrt, Chief Adjudicator is Alfred Snider.

SOCIAL EVENTS: We will have frequent social events, including the country exhibition, the Kitsch Party (bring your ugly clothing, then trade it), swimming party (indoor pool), and more. We will not distribute alcohol to attendees out of the workshop fees, but it will be available.


FULL PROGRAM - 300 Euros: hotel rooms and training at luxurious Hotel Spik, all meals included, instructional materials, socials, transportation to Ljubljana, six round tournament (last year 60 teams from 24 countries) breaks to quarterfinals, food and room in Ljubljana, break night party. In Ljubljana we will be staying at Dijaški dom Bežigrad,
TOURNAMENT ONLY - 75 Euros: six round tournament (last year 60 teams from 24 countries) breaks to quarterfinals, food and room in Ljubljana, break night party. Limited crash available for tournament. 
Financial Disclosure: IDAS is a non-profit program, trainers are not paid, trainer travel is not reimbursed, participation fees pay for attendee expenses of rooms and food only, trainer accommodations and food and other costs are covered by ZIP.

Organizing Committee:
Director of the Academy: Bojana Skrt, ZIP,
Head of Training: Alfred C. Snider, World Debate Institute, University of Vermont,

Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge

The Open Societies Foundations, IDEA, European Council on Foreign Relations and the Central European University brings you the Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge! It's a debate tournament, with a public policy focus. Up for grabs (other than the educational benefits of participating, fun, networking etc) are 50 paid for invites to attend the Global Debate and Public Policy Forum (at CEU, Budapest)  and five US$10,000 scholarships for graduate school (also convertible into public policy grants for a year of field work) in the field of public policy - (details available here http://www.gdppc.org/rules-and-tcs/)

"The Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge offers undergraduates across disciplines and continents an opportunity to explore issues of global importance from different points of view."

The topic for the 2011-2012 Challenge is: “Securing Liberty:  Balancing Security and Freedom”.

"This year’s Challenge consists of four tasks, each drawing participants closer and closer to developing fully fledged public policy briefs, with the final task giving an opportunity to enhance public policy advocacy skills.  The details of second task will be made available as results of the first task are announced.  The first task is already available on the Challenge website.

Any undergraduate student from any discipline from any part of the globe is able to take part (register here) and submit a paper for the first task.  From the submissions on the first round up to 200 participants will be selected to proceed to the second round and from those up to 100 participants will be invited to proceed to the third round.  From the participants in the third, penultimate round, up to 50 finalists will win trips to the Global Debate and Public Policy Forum to be held at the Central European University, in Budapest, where the final round of the Challenge will take place.

Each task will be explained in detail with clear criteria for completion.  Those for whom English is not their mother tongue should not be discouraged from participating, as submitted papers will be judged on the participant’s ability to develop evidenced to support his or her arguments."

Challenge TasksAnnouncement DateSubmission DateMax Number of Participants
Task 1Policy position paper09/05/1111/18/11
Task 2
Alternate Position paper (advocating for an alternative option)
Task 3
Policy Brief targeting a global policy audience
Task 4
Global Debate and Public Policy Forum
05/04/12Event at CEU, Budapest, June 201250 with 5 winners selected

Visit http://www.gdppc.org/ for more information or to register now!

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Call for Host of 2012 IDEA China Open Debate Tournament

IDEA would like to remind everyone about the open call to host the 3rd annual IDEA China Open Debate Tournament in 2012. Previously Xi'an Jiaotong University (2010) and Northeast University of Qinghuandao (2011) graciously served as hosts for the tournament. As the tournament has grown in size and popularity, IDEA has been approached by various schools wishing to host the tournament going forward. In order to choose among these offers fairly, we feel that it is important to have an open bidding process.

We therefore request that any school interested in hosting the 2012 IDEA China Open Debate Tournament submit the following information to this year's tournament director, Robert Trapp (trapp@willamette.edu ) and the executive director of IDEA-US, Alex Dukalskis (adukalskis@idebate.org ):

1. A letter of application from the applicant detailing the reasons for wishing to host the tournament, the facilities available for the tournament, and tentative budget.

2. The name, background and qualifications of the person who will serve as Tournament Host.

3. A letter of support from the university from a person at least as high-ranking as a dean.

Please submit by email to Robert and Alex. We are extending the deadline to September 15, 2011. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

International Public Policy Forum

The International Public Policy Forum, co-sponsored by Bickel and Brewer, and the NYU Law school,. ss a free competition open to high school students from anywhere in the world, with over $50,000 in prize money for the winners. Additionally, teams advancing to the "elite 8" (octofinalis) win an all-expense paid trip to New York City to compete in oral arguments.

This year's topic has just been announced- Resolved: Human missions should be a significant focus of space exploration. Teams can register at www.bickelbrewer.com/ippf. Teams qualify by writing an essay in proposition or opposition to the motion and must be submitted to ippf@bickelbrewer.com by October 26, 2011.

The competition is a great opportunity for high schools to get to compete on an international level, especially those which don't have budgets to travel.