We are pleased to announce the Adjudication Core of Singapore Debate Open 2011 (14th-16th December).
Sadhana Rai - Australs finalist. Asians Champion, Top 10 Asian speaker, Australs Finalist judge
1. Irzal Australs octo-finalist, Worlds ESL quarter-finalist, Asians quarter- finalist, Asians Finalist judge
2. Lucinda David CA of DLSU Worlds 2012, CA of Science Po Paris IV, Australs Finalist judge, Top Breaking team at Australs
We are also getting well-credentialed adjudicators down to SDO from around the region. The people who have agreed to come down so far with several of their numerous achievements listed are:
1. Ely Zosa - Worlds octo-finalist, Australs quarter-finalist, Asians 2012 DCA
2. Glenn Tuazon - Asians best speaker, Asians champion
3. Iqbal Hafiedz - CA of Australs, Asians best speaker
4. Jess Lopez - Worlds semi-finalist, Asians best speaker, Asians champion, Asians CA
5. Loke Wing Fatt – Worlds breaking judge
6. LP - Asians quarter-finalist, top ten Asians best speaker, multiple
Thai nationals champion
7. Nishita Vasan - Asians 2012 DCA, Asian BP 2011 DCA
8. Omar Salahuddin- Multiple Worlds & Australs finalist judge
9. Zheng Bo – Worlds breaking judge
We're in the process of getting more overseas judges and we're also drawing from our local experienced pool. We are endeavouring to ensure that every room for at least the first 3 preliminary rounds has a chair who has broken at an international tournament.
Although the tournament cap has been filled, we are looking to find ways to expand the tournament so we still welcome people to register which can be done at this link https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFREaUoz...
This and other updates will be available on the website at http://sdo2011.tumblr.com/
Do email us at singaporedebateopen2011@gmail.com if you have any queries. We look forward to seeing you at SDO 2011.
Ashok , Danielle, Leejing
Convenors SDO 2011
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