Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011

Invitation for ICU-Tournament 2012‏

30th October 2011
Dear Debating Community,

Announcing the memorable 21st ICU-Tournament

ICU Tournament is the one and only international tournament held annually
in Japan, which has continuously gathered debaters from various regions of
Asia. We expect to see over 150 participants from varying nations,
competing in high quality debates throughout the tournament. Not only will
debaters be able to enjoy debate itself, but will also get a chance to
explore Tokyo, one of the most attractive cities in the world.

We are very proud to announce that this year, our Adjudication Core will be
composed of Asia's top debaters and adjudicators. With Toshiaki Ikehara
heading, we have Ahyoung Kim, Suthen Thomas (Tate), and Keita Takayanagi.
All adjudicators have extensive experiences in creating excellent
tournaments of very high quality and we promise you that this one will be
The debates will be held in Asian format. There will be 7 preliminary
rounds, and the top 8 teams will proceed into the breaking rounds. Please
visit our website for further information :
Tournament details are as follows:
Venue: International Christian University, 10-2, Osawa 3-chome, Mitaka,
Tokyo, Japan
Date: 12th~14th March 2012
Tournament Cap: 60 teams
Institutional Cap: None
Debating Format: Asian Style (Gov.3 / Opp. 3)
Qualification: All of those who are freshman and above (including graduates)
Adjudication Rule: to be announced soon
Registration Fee: JPY10,000 per debater or adjudicator

How to Register (1st Phase)
In order to register, send an email to 2012.icut@gmail.com by December 20th
with the following information:
1.Institution name
2.Institution initials (this will appear on the official tab)
3.Number of teams
4.Number of adjudicators
5.Representative name (full name required)
6.Mobile number (including area code, e.g. +819012345678)
7.Email address

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.
We are looking forward to seeing you all next March at the 21st ICUT.

Email: 2012.icut@gmail.com
Tel.: +81 8063270913
Website: http://21st-icu-tournament.jimdo.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=176395032448938

Best regards,
Yuki Tanaka, International Liaison Officer

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