Minggu, 02 Oktober 2011

World Debate Forum Participation Subsidy

World Debate Forum Participation Subsidy
Due Date: 1 November 2011
The World Debate Forum (WDF) is a place for people who love debate to talk about how we can increase its impact. We recognize that there are many different groups using debate in unique ways to achieve their goals - be it personal enrichment, improving their communities, as education tools or just to enjoy themselves. The WDF hopes to bring all these people together, to meet just after the largest debate event in the world (the World Universities Debating Championships - WUDC), with the hope that engagement and sharing between these different sub-communities of debate lovers will strengthen the work they individually do, as well as improve the debate community as a whole. 
The 2nd WDF will held from the 4th to 7th of January 2012. It will be hosted at Ateneo de Manila University, and be organized by the Ateneo Debate Society (ADS) and the International Debate Education Association (IDEA). Visit the website, www.worlddebateforum.org for more information.
IDEA has made available a limited amount of funds to subsidize participation in the WDF.  Please answer the questions below in an email, attach an updated CV, and send it to apply@idebate.org with the subject line World Debate Forum Subsidy.  Subsidies will be considered on a case-by-case basis and priority will be given to merit, need and compelling reasons for wanting to attend the WDF.  Applicants who plan to present at the WDF will be given priority over those who do not plan to present.  Those individuals who are already competing at the WUDC tournament will not be eligible for funding which goes toward air travel (unless there are exceptional circumstances), although they may apply to have the WDF registration fee waived. 
  • Name
  • Email and phone number
  • Address
  • Requested amount (range from $75 - $500).

  • Please explain why you would like to come to the World Debate Forum.

  • If you plan to present, please explain briefly the content of your presentation.

  • Please detail what you will use the proposed funding amount for (e.g. registration fee, travel, visa fees, ect.).

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