Rabu, 07 September 2011

Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge

The Open Societies Foundations, IDEA, European Council on Foreign Relations and the Central European University brings you the Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge! It's a debate tournament, with a public policy focus. Up for grabs (other than the educational benefits of participating, fun, networking etc) are 50 paid for invites to attend the Global Debate and Public Policy Forum (at CEU, Budapest)  and five US$10,000 scholarships for graduate school (also convertible into public policy grants for a year of field work) in the field of public policy - (details available here http://www.gdppc.org/rules-and-tcs/)

"The Global Debate and Public Policy Challenge offers undergraduates across disciplines and continents an opportunity to explore issues of global importance from different points of view."

The topic for the 2011-2012 Challenge is: “Securing Liberty:  Balancing Security and Freedom”.

"This year’s Challenge consists of four tasks, each drawing participants closer and closer to developing fully fledged public policy briefs, with the final task giving an opportunity to enhance public policy advocacy skills.  The details of second task will be made available as results of the first task are announced.  The first task is already available on the Challenge website.

Any undergraduate student from any discipline from any part of the globe is able to take part (register here) and submit a paper for the first task.  From the submissions on the first round up to 200 participants will be selected to proceed to the second round and from those up to 100 participants will be invited to proceed to the third round.  From the participants in the third, penultimate round, up to 50 finalists will win trips to the Global Debate and Public Policy Forum to be held at the Central European University, in Budapest, where the final round of the Challenge will take place.

Each task will be explained in detail with clear criteria for completion.  Those for whom English is not their mother tongue should not be discouraged from participating, as submitted papers will be judged on the participant’s ability to develop evidenced to support his or her arguments."

Challenge TasksAnnouncement DateSubmission DateMax Number of Participants
Task 1Policy position paper09/05/1111/18/11
Task 2
Alternate Position paper (advocating for an alternative option)
Task 3
Policy Brief targeting a global policy audience
Task 4
Global Debate and Public Policy Forum
05/04/12Event at CEU, Budapest, June 201250 with 5 winners selected

Visit http://www.gdppc.org/ for more information or to register now!

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