Rabu, 28 September 2011

DLSU Worlds: Application for Judging Subsidies Open Again!

Dear World Debating Community,
The adjudication team have recently been able to free up some funds to subsidise independent adjudicators, and some who were offered places have, regrettably, had to decline due to work/other commitments. In view of this, we have decided to re-open applications for a period of one week in case anybody missed the opportunity to apply last time.
Please be aware that funding remains limited, so applicants are still encouraged to be honest in their appraisal of the funding they would need. Applicants asking for small amounts of subsidy will be considerably more likely to be successful.
All applicants who have already applied to us will be considered alongside any new applicants.
If you would like to apply, please email the application form (which can be found at www.dlsuworlds.com in a post dated the 13th of July, or is available on application to sam.block@dlsuworlds.com) saved as '[Surname], [Firstname] Application' to sam.block@dlsuworlds.com by 5.00 p.m. GMT on Wednesday the 5th of October. No other members of the adjudication team should be copied in, as this would disrupt the anonymisation of applications before they are sent for evaluation. For the same reason, please direct all queries to this address, including those relating to any difficulties with the timescales in question, about which we are keen to hear.
Many thanks,
The Adjudication Team

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