Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Some Results from Rounds 1-3 at #WUDC

Here are some results from twitter (#WUDC) on how teams stand after round 3 at Worlds.  If you can add to the list please post them on twitter under #WUDC or as comments below.  As I get more I'll update the post.

Oxford A (Ben+Hugh) 9pts
Oxford C (Neil+Hasan) 9pts
Utrecht A (Tomas & Danique) 9pts
Monash B 9pts
Monash C 9pts
Bates A 9pts
BPP A 9pts

TCD Phil B (Derwin Brennan and Orlaith Sheehy) 8pts
TCD Hist A (John & Catherine) 8pts
Sydney A 8pts
Sydney B 8pts
Oxford B (Jen+Steph) 8pts
Victoria Wellington A 8pts
Victoria Wellington B 8pts
Victoria Wellington C 8pts
Nottingham A 8pts
Tel Aviv A 8pts

TCD Phil A ((Ricky McCormack and Dave Byrne) 7pts
Melbourne C 7pts
St Andrews A (Ruairidh & Alex) 7pts
Monash A 7pts
Leiden A (Rogier and Ali) 7pts
Oxford D (Matt+Greg) 7pts
Durham A 7pts
Princeton B 7pts
Bates B 7pts
Cambridge A 7pts
Cambridge B 7pts
ULU A 7pts
Melbourne A 7pts

Melbourne B 6pts
Durham B 6pts
Berlin A 6pts
Sydney D 6pts
Sydney E 6pts
IUB A (Ipshit & Saajid) 6pts
Princeton A 6pts
Monash D 6pts
UP Dilman B 6pts

Limerick A 5pts
IBA- DU A (Abir & Gaows) 5pts
NSU C (Mehdi & Ifte) 5pts
TCD Hist B (Sally & Kate) 5pts
Melbourne D 5pts
Sydney C 5pts
Berlin B 5pts
Berlin C 5pts
Mainz 5pts
St Andrews C (Michael & Kurt) 5pts
Vermont ? (Paul & Drew) 5pts
Vermont ? (John & Jess) 5pts
Cambridge C 5pts

Limerick B 4pts
Vienna B ( & ) 4 pts
Princeton C 4pts
St Andrews B (Anton & Lukasz) 4pts
Vermont ? (Sarina & Becca) 4pts
NSU B (Naveed & Mubarrat) 4pts
Bates C 4pts
Mannheim A 4pts
LCLS A 4pts
UP Dilman A 4pts
UP Dilman C 4pts

NSU A (Sahel & Adnaan) 3pts
UIU (Farzana & Sajida) 3 pts 
Vienna A (Rosie & Christoph) 3 pts 
Munich A 3pts
IUT A 3 pts

Atma Jaya A 1pt
Atma Jaya B 1pt
IUT B 1pt
UAJ A 1pt

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