Rabu, 30 November 2011

New World Debating Rankings!

As many of you know for several years I have published a World Rankings on this website.  This version of the rankings took the points earned at the past five years of World Championships and totaled them up over a 5 year period to come up with a ranking.  This meant only teams who attended the championships were ranked.  It was, justifiably, criticized as not being comprehensive enough to be called a “World Ranking”. Last year I promised to consult with various people and look at revising the ranking methodology.  This work has been ongoing for several months.  And today I'm in a position to unveil the new rankings whichincludes results from over 40 different competitions. I hope this number will increase over time.

The new top ten are 

Rank Team Total
1 Sydney Union 4384
2 Monash 3689
3 Yale 3541
4 Cornell 3151
5 Oxford Union 3106
6 Cambridge 3056
7 Vermont 2839
8 Colgate 2802
9 London School of Economics (LSE) 2669
10 McGill 2629

The full new rankings can be found at http://rankings.idebate.org/

You will notice from that address and site that the rankings are now being done in partnership with IDEA .  IDEA have come on board to give me access to technology and resources that I could not hope to avail of by myself.  In the coming months this entire blog will be migrating to a www.idebate.org.  More on that in the future but let me reassure people that this is a very positive development and that I will retain full editorial control of the site and it's content.  If I, or any of the contributors to this blog, wish to criticize IDEA then that will still happen.  IDEA are simply providing me with a quality of platform and a team of contributors and IT experts that a generic site like blogger could never do.  There is a lot more to come and be announced about this over the coming weeks.  For now lets talk about the new rankings.

As well as being over a wider range of tournaments one thing you will notice is that they will change frequently throughout the year.  As the latest version of a ranking tournament and its new tab become available then the ranking will be updated.  The final and largest ranking tournament will be the World Universities Debating Championships held over new years.  This will allow us to publish an end of year world ranking and therefore announce that the top ranked team for 2011 is X in a very similar way to the previous rankings.

We have tried our best to make sure the information is as accurate as possible in terms of matching team names with the correct University.  Sometimes that was not possible in particular where humorous names were used.  If you can correct these or any other errors please e-mail colm_flynn@hotmail.com. Our plan is to gather all the corrections plus any additional new tabs and post another update in mid December.  That way hopefully we can do one big update at that point rather than a stream of smaller updates after each e-mail. Ongoing we plan to publish updates within a couple of days of each ranking tournament.

Selecting the tournaments:

This is a ranking of universities who take part in parliamentary debating around the world.  Parliamentary style debating was chosen because it is the most widespread general style across the world.  There are other debate formats, particularly in North America, but these are often too different from parliamentary debating (e.g. individual public speaking) to be included in the rankings.  However that is not to say that these are in any way of less value to parliamentary debating.  If a way can be found to include these then we are very happy to do so.

We believe the list of tournaments we have included is a reasonable start to publish a set of rankings with a fair geographical spread.  We have taken tournaments where the tabs are freely published on the internet.  There are tournaments we would have liked to include but could not either because the full tabs could not be found or none were published.  There are 2-3 tournaments in the UK and Ireland and even more across the North America each week.  Many of these are very small competitions so to start we have looked to include the major tournaments from all regions to get started. As we expand the ranking tournaments across all regions then more of these will come in.  If you think your tournament should be included then send on the tab including the Full names of the college (e.g. an Irish person will know UL means University of Limerick but someone from outside Ireland reading the tab might have no idea what UL means).

If a tournament has not happened in the past 12 months and is not scheduled to happen within a reasonable time (i.e. a week or two) after the 12 months have passed then that tournament will drop off the rankings.

Ideally we would like to have more than one tab from a region/country as that one tab would unfairly punish the host college who, often, does not enter their own competition.  Where possible we tried to have at least two tabs (Cork and UCD, Oxford and Cambridge, Cusid Nats & Cusid BP, Malaysian Open & SMU) from a country/region so if you are sending in tabs please look through your inbox or hard disk and try to send more than one if you have them.

While we need and welcome input and clarifications on these rankings we are aware that we may fall victim to false information.  If someone is tempted to edit results or create a false tournament to improve their rankings they should bear in mind that the results are also closely studied by many of their rivals looking for any inaccuracy.

We plan to start this slowly and work any kinks out of the system.  It may be a number of weeks before we start to add additional tournaments to the rankings as we want to make sure the logic is sound and that the wider public are happy with it.  Once we start to include additional competitions we will have a small committee to review the application to become a ranking tournament and make sure that we maintain a good global balance while we expand.  More details on this will be published shortly.

How points were calculated:

To make it possible to calculate rankings across different formats (Worlds/BP, Austral-asians, North American etc) the way points have been earned has changed.  Now instead of being based on the 3,2,1,0 system in each round the points are based on the final position on the tab.  For example if a tournament has 107 participants and the tab ranks them from 1 to 107 then the top ranked team gets 107 points and the last team on the tab gets 1 point.  Where teams have tied on the tab they have been given the same points. The points for each team from a particular institution  are then added together to give an institutional score (e.g. Sydney A and Sydney B would be added to give a total for Sydney)

Only pre-break results were used.  This means every team taking part has a chance of earning points on the same basis as all other teams. We considered giving extra points for the overall win, making the final etc but these would only expand the gap between the breaking teams and those who missed the break.  The top teams are already getting more points by being at the top of the tab.

Where teams are on equal points then they have been ranked by average points per team.  Where this is again equal the institutions have been given the same ranking.

We realize that people will argue that this system rewards the larger societies who have the money to send more teams and more speakers to different tournaments. Well unfortunately that is what happens.  Altering the results to in some way punish these larger societies would mean the rankings no longer reflect reality.  We measure what happened not what people wish happened. 

End of year ranking:

As the World Championships are the largest event and happens at the end of a calendar year our plan is to be able to announce an overall ranking for a year at that point.  The rankings may "roll" across two years as we update through the year but come 31st December all major championships will have been completed for that calendar year giving us an overall ranking for that year with the largest points earning event (worlds) at the end. 

Missing tournaments and names:

We looked at including the North American forensics results in the rankings but they are simply not comparable to competitive debating as the rest of the world knows it.  No doubt people closer to it will disagree but if they want to explain it in a way that makes it possible to include it in the rankings then we would very much welcome that.

APDA Nationals and Irish Nationals (both Times and Mace) are major internationally recognised tournaments not included because they do not publish tabs (in the case of APDA by choice in the case of Ireland by the nature of the format) We have tried to compensate for this by finding the next major tournament in each area that does publish a tab.

There are some tournaments that are "open" events.  This results in one off teams which are not linked to any particular university of college.   Where possible we have identified these teams based on the speaker names and the college they are known to attend.  To do this we checked other tabs, looked at facebook, googled the names etc.  However there are a number of “Hybrid/Unknown” teams that were not identifiable.  We welcome, and in fact encourage, any clarification on these.

There are a number of teams we could not identify but which we believe are not hybrid teams (based on the name and the nature of the competition).  They are left as the code from the tab and often the country is blank.  Unlike Hybrid teams they have been given a ranking because we believe they are colleges.  If you can give clarify to any these teams please e-mail us with the full team name and country.

Schools teams were dropped where identifiable.  This is a ranking of University/Third level debating.

Selasa, 29 November 2011

Oxford win 2011 English Mace

Oxford JH (Carin Hunt and Will Jones) have won the 2011 English Mace and will now represent England in the 2012 International Mace.  Best speaker on the tab was Jack Watson from BPP A.

The Team and Speaker tabs can be found at Team and Speaker tabs: http://t.co/x7D4Fual  and http://t.co/9peOwtmG

Round 1: THW allow gifted students to skip years in primary and secondary school
Round 2: THB that all countries should abandon the fight against climate change and should just seek to adapt to its consequences
Round 3: (Pre-released motion) THB that all US primary elections should be held on the same day
Round 4: THB the EU should centrally govern all vital aspects of the economies of heavily indebted eurozone nations
Round 5: THBT single parents in prison should be provided with special treatment to allow them to raise their young children from behind bars
Semi-Final: THB that Pakistan should cease all assistance to the United States in the fight against the Taliban
Grand Final: THW criminalise all forms of racist speech and behaviour, even where it falls short of directly inciting racial hatred or violence

Source: Britishdebate mailing list

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Teach Debate & Business Communication at Chung Ang University, Seoul Korea!!‏


Anyone interested in taking over my job? =]

After  5 great years in South Korea, it's time for me to go home. I am leaving an amazing job, an ambitious school and wonderful students, and I certainly hope I don't regret it! I care deeply about the unique debate program here and the students and school. If you have any questions about the job or living in Korea, please feel free to contact me. 

I would really appreciate it if you could send this out to anyone you think is capable and would be interested. Thank you.


The Job...

The College of Business and Economics of Chung Ang University in Seoul (http://biz.cau.ac.kr/english/) is looking for TWO candidates to serve as Visiting Professors, starting March 2012. Below is a brief description of the position.
  • Monthly salary of approximately 3 million won
  • Two year contract
  • Minimum 12 hours a week teaching time per semester (extra pay for extra hours)
  • Summer and Winter paid vacation (Approximately 4 months, possible to teach Winter and Summer courses for extra money)
  • Healthcare under the Korean National Healthcare system - includes dental
  • No research requirements
  • All teaching will be conducted in English, Korean proficiency is not required
Teaching Responsibilities
  • Debate in Business - an introduction to debate course that is mandatory for all freshmen in the Business College (approx 250 students). Each class is two hours. You will need to help organize a debate tournament that is part of their evaluation. 
  • Business Communication 1 - self-selected course, focusing on Presentation Skills, Meetings
  • Business Communication 2 - self-selected course, focusing on Writing, Negotiation, Job Hunting Skills
  • Business Communication for MBA students and Part-Time students
Non-Teaching Responsibilities (optional)
  • Coach and advise the Chung Ang Universities Debate team (Asians, Australs and British Parliamentary Formats)
  • Help organize the Asian Debate Institute (a 10 day workshop run in the Summer and Winter)
Interested candidates should send a CV and Cover Letter to logandran@cau.ac.kr AND hkim3@cau.ac.kr, before the 7th of December 2011. Candidates must have a Masters Degree.

WUDC Debaters by Country

Dear Delegates to Worlds Council,
Article 22 of the Worlds Constitution specifies that country and regional representatives are responsible for verifying the eligibility of participants  entered to compete in the 2012 World Championships.  This verification concerns only whether the participants registered are legitimately enrolled at their university. 

Please contact Steve Johnson for a list of the the participants entered from your country.  Any concerns about eligibility should be addressed to the Council Executive at the contacts listed below:

Chair: Jens Fischer (jhbfischer@googlemail.com)
Secretary: Simone van Elk (simone.vanelk@gmail.com)
Registrar: Steve Johnson (steve.johnson.alaska@gmail.com)

The relevant provisions of Article 22 are provided below:

Article 22

  1. Competitors who satisfy the requirements of this Article may compete in a team eligible to make the finals series a maximum of four Championships. This provision shall take effect from 6th January 1990.
  2. During the academic year of the competition, competitors shall represent the institution at which they pursue at least half of their courses toward a particular degree.
  3. Competitors shall be recognised by their university debating union or equivalent, or in the absence of such a body by the university administration.
  4. Documented evidence of the participants student status should be received by the host nation prior to commencement of the Championships. Registration shall be considered in complete until such evidence is received.
  5. Competitors must be enrolled students and must be attending classes or pursuing research in the university which they represent on the last day of term preceding the competition.
We would appreciate your immediate attention to this task so that any concerns may be addressed quickly.  Thank you.



Steven Johnson, Registrar
World Universities Debating Council

Senin, 21 November 2011

Chung Ang win North East Asian Champions

Chung Ang University have won the 2011 North East Asian Champions

In the final they defeated Finalist are MMU Melaka (black&yellow), Chung ang uni (CAU1), Korea uni (KU2) And Hong Kong (HKU1).

The final motion was THBT international law should recognize the right of each state to unilaterally undertake humanitarian intervention.

More info to follow

Source: Various on Twitter and Facebook

BPP Win the 2011 Cambridge IV

Dear All,

We want to thank all the teams and judges that came to The Clifford Chance Cambridge IV 2011 and hope they all enjoyed the competition.

The Open Final was won by BPP A, Jack Watson and Doog Cochran. They defeated Oxford BC (Steph Bell and Jen Coyne), Oxford BW (Ben Woolgar and Hugh Burns) and Loyola (James Kilcup and Dearbhail O’Crowley) in the final. Jack Watson topped the speaker tab.

Utrecht (Danique van Koppenhagen and Tomas Beerthuis) won the ESL final, with Danique topping the speaker tab.

The full tab is available here: http://tinyurl.com/thecccambridgeivresults 

The motions were:
R1: THW allow family members to forcibly commit proven alcoholics and drug addicts to rehabilitation clinics.
R2: THBT all research organizations should institute codes of conduct that forbid the creation of Strong AI.
R3: THW provide financial assistance to inner city neighborhoods to prevent gentrification
R4: THBT China should make extracting a full apology for Japan's War Crimes a top strategic priority
R5: THBT feminists should not campaign against polygamy in poor countries.

Open QF: THBT the use of conscripted soldiers should be a war crime.
ESL SF: THW take the children of the Amish into care

Open SF: TH regrets the rise of a distinct African American Culture
ESL Final: THB that it is morally legitimate for Occupy Movement to use violence to undermine capitalist institutions
Open Final: THW break up Google's Search Monopoly

A special thanks goes to Shengwu Li and Nathalie Smith for being two of most creative and sensible people to work with on an adjudication team. Thanks to Jack Gamble and Rebecca Meredith for their hard work as Deputy Convenors. And to James Hardy and Maria English for the countless hours they put in to make the competition run.

We hope to see you all around soon,
Harish Natarajan
Co-CA The Clifford Chance Cambridge IV 2011

Minggu, 20 November 2011

Monash wins the Victoria IV

Monash University has won the Victoria IV (New Zealand British Parliamentary Debating Champs) held in Wellington from November 18-20, defeating two teams from Victoria University and Auckland University in the Grand Final.

Chief Adjudicators: Christopher Bishop & Tim Mooney

Winners: Monash (Amit Golder & Kiran Iyer)

Runners-Up: Victoria University (Richard D'Ath & Seb Templeton), Auckland University (Josh Baxter & Nupur Upadhyay), Victoria University (Udayan Mukherjee & Ella Edginton).

Semi-finalists: Composite (Kieran Bunn & Aric Shakur), Auckland University (Steph Thompson & Ben Milsom), UNSWA (David Ong & Matthew Cobb Clark), Veterans (Joe Connell & Kevin Moar)

Top 10 speakers:
1. Amit Golder (Monash) 511
2. Richard D'Ath (Victoria) 498
3. Ella Edginton (Victoria) 492
4= Kiran Iyer (Monash) 488
4= Akif Mallick (Auckland) 488
4= Kevin Moar 488
4= Joe Connell 488
8= Stephanie Thompson (Auckland) 487
8=Udayan Mukherjee (Victoria) 487
10= Matthew Cobb Clark (UNSW A) 482
10= Ben Milsom (Auckland) 482
10= Polly Higbee 482
10= Seb Templeton (Victoria) 482

1. This House would ban child beauty pageants
2. This House believes Israel should unilaterally preemptively strike Iran
3. This House believes that individuals should be required by governments to invest a defined portion of their salary for their retirement
4. This House would forcibly remove the homeless from the streets and place them in mental institutions or rehabilitation
5. This House would consign the European Union to the dustbin of history
6. This house supports comprehensive parental leave paid for by employers
Semi: This House would camp out in solidarity with the "Occupy" protestors
Final: This House believes newly democratised Arab nations should not allow religious parties to run for office

Kamis, 17 November 2011

De La Salle Worlds - Take Me to Manila

IDEA seeks trainers for Youth Forum in Mexico‏

Global call for trainers: IDEA Youth Forum 2012 in Mexico

IDEA-NL is an independent membership association of organizations and individuals that support debate, human rights and civic education worldwide. It is registered in the Netherlands as a not-for profit membership organization. IDEA provides assistance to debate and educational institutions worldwide. We are currently looking for International Trainers for our flagship event, the Youth Forum.

  • Application Deadline: January 9, 2012

  • Projected starting date: February 12, 2012

  • Job Title: IDEA Youth Forum Trainer

  • Reports To: Forum Director and Head of the respective educational track

General information

The 2012 IDEA Youth Forum will take place in Leon, Mexico between July 2 and 15. We expect to host up to 240 high-school students (aged 14-19), teachers and coaches from over 40 countries in Europe, Asia, Americas and Africa. The official language of instruction is English. The debate format for the Forum will be Karl Popper Debate and British Parliamentary Debate (for more details on these formats please visit IDEA Standards).

The trainers will be expected to actively participate in the process of preparation for the Forum as well as in all education and social activities during the Forum (for details of the essential duties and responsibilities, see below).

The Curriculum Committee will be selecting around 20 trainers in total to teach in all tracks of the Youth Forum. The Committee will employ multiple criteria for selecting the pool of trainers for the YF including debate and teaching excellence, concern for geographic and programmatic diversity, desire to develop the capacity of young trainers and motivation for participating as a trainer.

Trainers’ Profile – requirements:

To perform this job successfully, the YF trainer must be able to perform satisfactorily in each of the below mentioned categories:

  • relevant experience in debate education (debate coach, debate trainer or debate teacher)

  • necessary skills and experience relevant to designing a debate curriculum, preparation of educational materials (lesson plans, debate exercises and hand-outs) and researching materials

  • adequate computer skills (comfortable with navigating through www, operating with newsgroups, search engines, chats, blogs, etc.)

  • reliable access to a computer with a good internet connection

  • self-disciplined and motivated individuals, who are willing to learn

  • fluent in English, and able to conduct content sessions in English for an international student and adult audience

  • ability to devote at least 1 hr a week for preparation for the Forum during the period of February – July 2012

Essential duties and responsibilities

  • help in the preparation process of the curriculum materials for the Forum under the supervision and by the deadlines set forth by the Forum Director and head trainers of the tracks;

  • engage in regular and substantial communication with other trainers and potential participants in the preparation period before the Forum;

  • research and prepare materials for the topics to be discussed during the Forum;

  • respect all deadlines and submit all required materials for the Forum on time;

  • participate in the training of trainers, 2 days prior to the Forum, on site (June 30th –July 1st);

  • conduct sessions for students and their coaches during the Forum. Trainers should not be engaged in any other meetings or sessions that conflict with their training sessions;

  • judge in the debate tournaments during the Forum;

  • follow the news on the Youth Forum website (IDEA Forum);

  • comply with the code of conduct designed for the Forum.

Trainers may be disqualified from participation at the Forum or following Forums if they do not fulfil their duties and responsibilities.

Trainers’ Benefits

IDEA will give the selected Trainers the opportunity to develop their training skills, employing them in a face-to-face week-long debate instruction within a truly international environment. IDEA will cover the trainers’ costs associated with their stay at the Forum: accommodation, food, insurance and cultural events. IDEA will cover reasonable travel and visa costs directly connected to the Forum. IDEA will compensate for the trainers’ time involved in the preparation of the training materials with a $250 flat fee after the completion of the Youth Forum.

Selection Procedure

All prospective trainers are requested to submit their application form via email. It can be downloaded from the Youth Forum website (IDEA Forum). Trainers that have already applied in previous years and would not like to add any new information are encouraged to use the short application form. If you have any questions please contact Marcin, the Forum Director (mzaleski@idebate.org).

Application Form for Returning Trainers

Application Form for Newcoming Trainers

The deadline for applications is January 9, 2012!

The Curriculum Committee will select around 20 trainers who will be given the opportunity to become an IDEA YF 2012 trainer. The trainers will be selected specifically for the given track at the time of selection. The Committee will also be selecting up to 5 trainers who will be placed on the waiting list. These trainers will be not called to duty unless a selected trainer drops out or additional trainers are needed due to an unexpected increase in the number of participants.

All candidates will be notified of their status by February 12th, 2012. Please make sure to follow the Youth Forum Website (IDEA Forum) to be informed about more details and updates on the Forum. To make sure you receive all the relevant information and also if you have additional questions, please contact the Forum Director.

If you are interested or would like to receive more information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Marcin Zaleski
Forum Director

5th NUJS Parliamentary Debate

You’re looking at the invitation for the 5th NUJS Parliamentary Debate, 2012 to be held from 20th to 22nd  January, 2012 (Friday to Sunday) at Kolkata, India.
What do you have to look forward to at our debate?
·      Prize money of a MINIMUM of Rs.1,20,000.[INR]
       (Given how sponsorship looks like at the moment, it is very likely that this sum will be increased in a week or so).
·      An excellent international adjudication core and as is usual with the NUJS Debate, very good quality adjudication.
·      We’re cool with cross teams.
·      A kick-ass break night party.
·      Awesome food, immense history and all the other things Calcutta is famous for ;)
The tournament will be on the lines of a three-on-three Asians Parliamentary Debate and will have a team cap of 50 teams. As of now, each institution may register up to two teams and we will increase this cap if the need arises.
 .All the details about the tournament will be available on our website - www.nujspd.wordpress.com. The deadline for registration is 10th January, 2012.

For ANY further details, please feel free to get in touch with:

Smaran Shetty: 09903685361, smaran_shetty@hotmail.com
Anusha Reddy: 09163787994, anushareddy92@gmail.com
Maneka Khanna: 09830059899, manekakhanna@gmail.com 
Akshay Sharma: 09903840406, akshaysharma@nujs.edu
Surabhi Dhar: 09903048045, dharsurabhi@yahoo.co.in


Minggu, 13 November 2011

Cornell win HWS Fall Classic

Cornell SB (Danny Blackman & Lean Salgado) have won the 2011 Hobart and William Smith Colleges Fall Classic.  They defeated U Penn VC (Vishwanath & Chong) in the final. 

Brandeis (Brad Burns & David Altman) won the Novice competiton

More details can be found at Elims Team Tab Speaker Tab

Sydney Win Oxford IV 2011

Sydney A (Daniel Swain & Elle Jones) have won the 2011 Oxford IV.  In the final they defeated Durham A UCD A and Cambridge D

The best speaker at the tournament was Pam Cohen from Durham A.

Leiden A (Rogier Baart & Ali Al Khatab) won the English as a Second Language competition  defeating Utrecht A BBU A and Belgrade A in the ESL final.  Danique Van Koppenhagen (Utrecht A) was the top ESL speaker on the tab.

The Team and Speaker Tab can be found here


Final: This House Would establish geographical zones where the selling and consuming of any and all drugs are legal
Semi Final: This House would Establish Brothels on Military Bases.
Qtr Final: This House Believes That International Law should allow states which accept refugees to sue the states they come from for compensation.
Rd1: This House Believes That Sex Education Classes in Schools Should Teach Techniques For Pure Sexual Gratification (including, but not limited to, anal sex, oral sex, mutual gratification and masturbation)
Rd2: This House Believes That in developing countries aid organizations should be banned from religious proselytizing.
Rd3: This House Believes That Trade unions and labour protection laws should be suspended during times of economic crisis.
Rd4: This House Believes That Israel Should Materially Support Arab Pro-Democratic Movements.
Rd5: This House Believes That a tax should be placed on successful artists in order to fund new and developing artists(Note: Artists defined by the CA team to be the arts and the entertainment industry).
ESL Final: This House believes That the CEOs of the largest corporations should be chosen by the national democratic elections
ESL Semi Final: This House Believes That the LGBT Movement Should Not Support Pride Marches.

Source various on Twitter.

Senin, 07 November 2011

2012 Hart House North American Debating Championship Invitation

On behalf of the Hart House Debates Committee, it is our pleasure to formally invite you to the 2012 North American Debate Championships, taking place on January 27-January 29, 2012 at the University of Toronto.


We will have 6 rounds of preliminary debate (2 on Friday, 4 on Saturday), according to the CUSID/APDA MoU. We will break to octofinals, but this is contingent on our tournament reaching its cap. Our initial team cap will be 80 teams. As per the CUSID-APDA MoU, all members in good standing are eligible to send two teams to the tournament. If there are sufficient numbers, there will be a novice final.

Awards will be given to the top 8 teams, top 10 speakers, top novice team, and top novice speaker.


Richard Liziushas agreed to served as the CA for Hart House Norams. In addition as serving as North American DCA for 2010-2011 Botswana Worlds, Richard’s accomplishments include: KoƧ WUDC 2nd speaker and quarter-finalist, Cork WUDC 9th speaker and octo-finalist, North American Top Speaker, 2 time CUSID national champion and top speaker, and 2009 Yale IV champion and top speaker. Richard has an extensive knowledge of both the Canadian and American judging pools, and has served as CA for the Hart House IV three times.

Steven Pennerwill serve as Assistant Chief Adjudicator. Steve is a CUSID British Parliamentary National Champion, a two-time winner of the Seagram Invitational, HWS/IDEA Round Robin Finalist, and has broken at numerous CUSID tournaments. He has served as Chief-Adjudicator of the Hart House IV.

APDA will appoint a DCA shortly.

We intend on securing funding to subsidize as many qualified American and out-of-region adjudicators as possible. However, Hart House’s own legendary internal and Alumni judging pool will, on its own, provide international quality judging panels in every room. Toronto is home to multiple World, National, and North American debating champions, and a staggering number who have broken as judges or adjudicators at previous Worlds and North Ams.

We have a strong enough internal judging pool that we will not be imposing a significant n-judging requirement. The judging requirement will be n/3, rounded down.

Food and Socials

Debaters and judges will be provided with a dinner on Friday evening and breakfast and lunch on Saturday and Sunday. Our traditional formal banquet will be happening on Saturday evening. If you require special dietary requirements (veggie, vegan, halal, kosher, allergies), we can make arrangements for you if we are notified by the Stage II registration deadline, December 15.

There will be socials on both Friday and Saturday night, as well as an informal social for those arriving on Thursday.


We will be negotiating three hotel deals and these will be finalized very soon. Details to follow.

For those who wish to billet, billeting is allotted on a first-come, first-serve basis.


Registration is $160 per team, and $80 per adjudicator, all prices in Canadian dollars.

Stage I of Registration begins on November 15 at 10am EST and will take place through < http://www.harthouse.ca/student-engagement/nadc_registration>

PLEASE NOTE: We will not consider registration attempts before the above time.

You'll receive a confirmation email within 48 hours of registering. If you don't, please contact us.

Full payment will be due by December 15. Credit card is our preferred form of payment, and due to policy constraints, is unfortunately the only form of payment that we can accept from American participants. Details of stage II registration will follow shortly.

Hope to see lots of you there!

Sam Greene & Jake Brockman,
Tournament Directors, NorAms 2012

Minggu, 06 November 2011

Hong Kong Debate Open 2011

The 2nd Hong Kong Debate Open 2011 was held at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, from 28th to 30th October 2011.  A total of 64 teams from 12 Asian countries competed in this BP debate tournament.  In the Grand Final, HKU Team C, comprising Kevin Lau and Amanda Slocum, defeated HKU A, HKU B and Hogwarts A to emerge Champions.  The Best Speaker of the Grand Final was Amanda Slocum of HKU C, and the Best Speaker of the Tournament was Benjamin So of HKU A.  

The motion for the Grand Final was: "This house regrets the policy of assassinating terrorist leaders instead of bringing them to trials"

The Adj Core of Loke Wing Fatt, Sharmila Pramanand, Zheng Bo, TJ, Nicole Ng and Doriane Lau worked seamlessly with the very cooperative, efficient and patient Org Com members, comprising Helen Ng, George Chen, Kenneth Cheung, Samuel Chan, Angie, and Vinca Yau, to once again celebrate the growth of Hong Kong as an international debating hub in Asia.

The full results and motions of the events are below:

HKU C: Kevin Lau and Amanda Slocum

HKU A: Benjamin So and Sue Chen
HKU B: Fiona Chong and Jocelyn Heng
Hogwarts A: Liu I Wei and Nuanpan Ketumarn

Eureka: Chanel Chan and Gao Tian
P&S: Yang Fanhao and Feng Siyu
SouthPark Elementary: Tidarat Yingcharoen and Yuttana Saisangkagomon
Tiff & Pavan: Tiffany Chung and Pavan Hegde


Prelim Rounds

  1. This house would ban the participation of children in clinical drugs trials
  2. This house would abolish the minimum wage
  3. This house would ban religious organizations from establishing schools
  4. This house support the Occupy Wall Street Movement
  5. This houses would ban all approaches that seek to cure homosexuality
  6. This house believes that U.S.A should not veto the Palestinian bid for statehood at the United Nations


This house supports the use of drones (remotely operated unmanned armed attack vehicles)


This house believes that companies should be held liable in their home countries for environmental damage in other countries

Semi Finals

This house would ban agencies that broker international marriages

Grand Final

This house regrets the policy of assassinating terrorist leaders instead of bringing them to trials

Loke Wing Fatt
Co-CA, 2nd Hong Kong Debate Open 2011