Minggu, 29 Januari 2012

HWS / IDEA Round Robin Applications Due


To apply, just e-mail a debating CV for each debater to Eric Barnes (barnes@hws.edu).

International teams should also indicate:
1) if they would need any travel subsidy in order to attend;
2) the minimum subsidy that would allow them to attend, if accepted;

As always, we have a fairly limited budget for travel subsidies, and priority will be given first to teams from teams who cannot afford the expense (as opposed to being unwilling) and second to teams for whom travel expenses are exceptionally high. Our maximum travel subsidy is $1000 per team, but they are typically less than this.
We will have decisions on applications by February 14.

Our judging pool is almost full, but please contact us if you are a highly qualified BP judge who is interested in being a part of the 2012 Round Robin.

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