Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

Results of Frank Thakur Das Memorial Debate, India

The Frank Thakur Das Memorial Debate was recently held at Mal College, Delhi University, India

The winners were Ramjas B (Karandeep Aazan Khanna & Kapilan Mahalingam) while the runners up were Ramjas A (Shobhit Nanda & Rohan Kochar)

The motions were:

Round 1

1. Festivals : THBT commercialization of festivals is good
2. Fasting : THW ban religious fasts unto death
3. Faith: THW use faith based rehabs in prisons.

Round 2
1. National Anthem: THW not force children to sing the national anthem in schools
2. Cultural Societies: THBT cultural societies should tax their members’ earnings.
3. G.I Joes: THBT parents should not give their children GI Joes and other war toys (tanks, guns, submarines, grenades etc)

Round 3
1. Bosses / Subordinates: THBT bosses should be held accountable for corruption activities of their subordinates
2. Espionage: THW decriminalize corporate espionage
3. Rashtrapati Bhawan: THW rent rooms in the Rashtrapati Bhawan (president’s residence)

Round 4 – Fictitious Setting
1. Superheroes : THBT all individuals with superpowers should be de-powered
2. Harry Potter: THBT Aurors should be allowed to use all unforgiveable curses at all times
3. Archies: THBT the makers of Archies should create a homosexual Love story.

Round 5
1. Gujarat : THW legalize the sale of alcohol at competitive prices in Gujarat
2. No man Left Behind: THW discard the no man left behind policy
3. Voter Rights: THW grant voters the right to recall.

Round 6
1. Illegal Immigrants: THW grant birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants
2. Ex-Rebels: THBT ex-rebels should not be integrated into state security forces.
3. Scientists & Researchers: THBT full time scientists and researchers should not pay tax on their salaries.

1. Black Money: THW allow citizens to transfer black money into white without the fear of prosecution
2. Lifestyle Choices: THBT the government should restrict lifestyle choices to combat climate change
3. Gender Discrimination: THBT religious bodies should not be allowed to discriminate on the basis of gender.

1. Material Advancement: THBT material advancement is more important than civil and political rights.
2. Koreas: THW reunify the Koreas
3. Islamic Dress: THBT the Arab world should stop selling oil to France until it removes restrictions on Islamic Dress

1. THBT Democracy is a luxury
2. THW create an international battlefield (war haven)
3. THBT a world where lying is impossible would be worse than one where it is possible.

Thanks to Devna Soni for ths info.

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