Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Results of SEO 2011

Here is an e-mail from the debateasia mailing list.  It details the result of the recent SEO debating tournament.  It also seems to have been an initial dry run for many of the systems that will be used at next year's Worlds which is interesting to note this far out.

After 7 days of competition, we are proud to announce the outcome of the recently concluded 2011 Southeast Asian English Olympics. Among the universities and high schools which participated in all the events, Bina Nusantara University (BiNus University) emerged as the institutional champion with 47 olympic points. They are followed by Institut Teknologi Bandung-Indonesia and University Teknologi Petronas –Malaysia with 25 points. You can go to www.seo.mybnec.org for the complete list of winners.

We also would like to congratulate the winner of the Debate Olympics:

Champions: Institute of Technology Bandung A - ITB A (Luthfi and Karina)
1st Runner-Up: Institute of Technology Bandung B - ITB B (Rifan and Andhika)
2nd Runner-Up: BiNus University - BNU A (Sabar and Raden)
Grand Finalist: University of Indonesia A - UI A (Ahdiat and Roderick)

Champion and runners-up were each respectively awarded Olympics medals (gold, silver, bronze), cash prize of 300 USD-200USD-100USD denominated in Rupiahs and some other sponsor packages. The finals was held at @America, the hi-tech US’ cultural center at Pacific Place Mall, Jakarta.

Champions: STBA Teknokrat Lampung B - Teknokrat B (Sheilla and Nurul)
Finalist: Bina Bangsa School A - BBS A (Claudia and Tara), University of Jenderal Soedirman C - UnSoed C (Riezki and Zaenul), SMAN 3 Bandung A (Lidya and Hurriyah)

The top ten speakers are:
1.(Tied) Roderick - UI A, Luthfi - ITB A, Ahdiat - UI A
4. Andika - ITB B
5. Rifan - ITB B
6. (Tied) Phodiso - UCTI A, Karina - ITB A
8. Mark - UCTI A
9. (Tied) Alisa and Arpaporn - Thailand National Debate Team A, Dimas - UI B

Best novice speaker:
Fildza Nabila Avianti - UGM A

The main break finals was judged by:
Chair: Jayson Gaspar Maulit (Phillipines),
Panelists: TJ (Thailand), Azrul Izzam (Malaysia), Buena Bernal (Phillipines), Rose Lyn (Phillipines),Ely Zosa (Phillipines), Muhammad Akbar Walenna (Indonesia), Melda Mahardita Sari (Indonesia), Huda Fitri Amalia (Indonesia)

As a quick summary, the 2011 SEO employed round zero in order to make sure of the quality of judges as well as to give the participants time to practice. We also had 5 preliminary rounds, quarter final main break and novice final break. The tournament was composed of 4 countries in the ASEAN region given the adjudicators and debaters participation: Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia, and of course with one fascinating additional: England.

We are also delighted to announce that the 2011 SEO has become a very valuable learning platform for the participants in preparing for the upcoming De La Salle Worlds 2012 at Phillipines due to the quality of motions, worlds-standard speaker scoring scale, adjudication test and feedback system.

Furthermore, we are proud to say that the 2011 SEO employed an online system in wherein the scores were inputted online. This meant less papers, less runner involvement, and more efficient tabulation. Kudos to the innovation performed by Krisna and Rendy- our Binus tabulators.

The latter will join the Tabulation team in De La Salle Worlds 2012.

With regard to the adjudicator tabs, it is also important to note that the tab is not going to be released, customary to the execution of De La Salle worlds. The philosophical reason behind is we're under the assumption that adjudicators are not in competition.

Below are the summary of the motions for further practice purposes for everyone: (other details can be seen at http://seo.mybnec.org/debate except for Round Zero - it cannot be displayed as the results are not carried forward to the next round and except for novice finals)

ROUND ZERO: This house believes that countries with problems of overpopulation should pay willing citizens to sterilise themselves
ONE: This house would directly elect captains of national sport teams
TWO: This house believes that state funded health services should be provided by competitively tendered contracts by private companies, without direct state provision
THREE: This house believes that it is legitimate for governments to deliberately lie to their citizens in times of war
FOUR: This house believes that individuals in developed countries have a bigger moral responsibility to poor people in the developing world than their own families
FIVE: This house believes that democratic countries should punish communication companies which cooperate with oppressive governments’ censorship policies
QUARTERS: This house would ban advertisements that use gender stereotypes
SEMIS: This house believes that post-genocide states should punish the perpetrators of the genocide both visibly and publicly for the long term
NOVICE FINAL: This house believes that developing countries should ban family members of the Head of State/Government from running for the same position
GRAND FINAL: This house would ban the celebration of martyrs

Throughout this post we would like to thank EVERYONE involved in the event- OrgComm, participants, Liaison Officers, Hospitality Officers and other officers, Adjudication Core, Subsidized Judges, Country Ambassadors- sorry if I'm missing anyone- needless to say, every little detail of your contribution means EVERYTHING for us. :) And of course, we would like to humbly apologize for every single inconveniences we've might performed during the events. Please give us more suggestions to improve the 2012 SEO throughout possible channels (see below).

This concludes the summary of the 2011 SEO afterglow. All in all, if you have further questions, feedbacks, constructive criticisms, suggestions, complaints of the tournament (be it debate, other tournament, or other issues such as food, logistics, hospitality -anything that have been performed/not performed), particularly that has not been delivered in the questionnaires we've distributed in the D-day, please send them to the committee through the Convenor, seonapis@yahoo.com or you can send them to me gunawan.bryan@gmail.com.

I'll make sure I'll forward it to the committee or related parties to be processed, evaluated and documented for next year's Olympics. If you happen to miss the community- HEY! don't be sad, we have the facebook page "the 2011 SEO community". join us there.

We sincerely hope that the 2011 SEO will advance all of the participants among ASEAN countries, bring Indonesian and ASEAN's debating scene to the international community, and contribute to global debating scene as a whole throughout any possible channels we've performed this year.

This is the 2011 SEO signing off - SEE YOU IN THE 2012 SEO next year! :)

Bryan Gunawan - BiNus University, Indonesia - Chief Adjudicator & one of the advisors to the club (BNEC) and the event (the 2011 SEO), along with the Deputy Chief Adjudicators: Sam Block (England), Jayson Gaspar Maulit (Phillipines), Azrul Izzam (Malaysia), and TJ (Thailand), and with the OrgComm (Convened by Yohanes Santiawan Napis and team)

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