Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Initial Information on WUDC *en español*

With Colm's permission, I have asked contacts in Venezuela to provide as much information as possible for the Spanish language World Championships to be held in Caracas later this year. Much of the information thus far is of a 'this is how we generally do things' nature, and more details and final confirmation are to follow. Much will depend on the number of teams that apply for places, &c., but for now, here is what we have:

The tournament will run from July 25th - July 31st inclusive. 

Particpation fees are traditionally kept very low, if any at all are charged (of course, for a tournament of this nature they may be slightly higher than the norm) and no decision yet has been made on what fees if any would be applied to overseas institutions. 

Accommodation for debaters visiting Caracas from other parts of South America (principally Colombia and Peru) has in the past been arranged domestically - that is, debaters have stayed with members of Caracas University for the duration, participating in the home life. Of course, for this tournament, it will depend greatly on how many people are actually attending, but we can be sure that our Venezuelan hosts will make sure that people are comfortable and well looked-after when there. The usual socials programme and visits around the city will hopefully be offered as well (and having been lucky enough to meet with the Venezuelan debaters at IDAS for a few years, I can confirm that these guys know how to party!)

As people in Venezuela are currently returning after the Christmas break and a successful time at Botswana WUDC, more information will be forthcoming shortly, and we hope to release more details publicly after January 16th. Watch this space, and please support what is a very worthwhile and necessary venture for the development of debate globally.

Best wishes to all readers of the blog for the New Year.

G. Rhydian Morgan

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